
unusual facts about Sulis


Her imagery shows evidence of syncretism between a pre-Roman goddess with the Roman Minerva (for a parallel, cf. Sulis Minerva, the Romano-British goddess worshipped at Bath).


Sulis | Aquae Sulis |

Nasida Ria

The Indonesian newspaper Republika notes that Nasida Ria was followed by other qasidah modern acts in the 1990s, including Haddad Alwi and Sulis, while in Malaysia the genre has been popularized by groups such as Raihan, Rabbani, Hijjaz, and Saujana.

Ritual of oak and mistletoe

Pliny makes allusions to the moon on its sixth day, a waxing crescent moon, as an instrument of healing: here again there is corroborative evidence in that Celtic goddesses associated with healing and regeneration are sometimes depicted wearing lunar amulets; and the great temple of the healer-goddess Sulis Minerva at Bath, Somerset bears a carving of the Roman moon-goddess Luna.

see also