In the Showtime series The Borgias, Cem is played by British actor Elyes Gabel, and is depicted anachronistically in Rome under the papacy of Innocent VIII's successor, Pope Alexander VI.
Sultan | sultan | Tipu Sultan | Sultan Ibrahim | Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah Airport | Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan | Sultan bin Mohamed Al-Qasimi | Sultan of Kelantan | Sultan Kudarat | Larry Sultan | Sultan of Terengganu | Donald Sultan | Daniel Isom Sultan | Sultan of Perak | Sultan bin Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan | Sekolah Sultan Alam Shah | Mosque-Madrassa of Sultan Hassan | Ibrahim Sultan Ali | HMS Sultan (establishment) | HMS ''Sultan'' | HMS Sultan | Cem Yılmaz | Cem Karaca | The Sultan's Emissary | Sultan Yahya Petra Bridge | Sultan Rahi | Sultan of Johor | Sultan Ibragimov | Sultan bin Khalifa Al Nahyan | Sultan Bashiruddin Mahmood |