
unusual facts about Summation

Marquis de Condorcet

He disagreed strongly with the alternative method of aggregating preferences put forth by Jean-Charles de Borda (based on summed rankings of alternatives).

Abel's sum formula

Summation by parts, a transformation of the summation of products of sequences into other summations


Sinusoids are an important type of periodic function, because realistic signals are often modeled as the summation of many sinusoids of different frequencies and different amplitudes (with a Fourier series or transform).

Bailey–Borwein–Plouffe formula

The BBP is a summation-style formula that was discovered in 1995 by Simon Plouffe and was named after the authors of the paper in which the formula was published, David H. Bailey, Peter Borwein, and Simon Plouffe.

Church of Our Saviour, Singapore

To project a scientific basis for its beliefs on homosexuality, Church of Our Saviour, in November 2007, includes in its website a self-prepared document, which is a summation of various documents that speak against homosexuality as being a genetic trait.

Closing statement

Closing argument, or "summation", the concluding statement of each party's counsel in a court case

Ewald summation

Ewald summation, named after Paul Peter Ewald, is a method for computing the interaction energies of periodic systems (e.g. crystals), particularly electrostatic energies.

The Ewald summation was developed by Paul Peter Ewald in 1921 (see References below) to determine the electrostatic energy (and, hence, the Madelung constant) of ionic crystals.

Gene-centered view of evolution

So, in Kim Sterelny's summation of Gould's view, "gene differences do not cause evolutionary changes in populations, they register those changes".

HMI Semester

In summation, the course aims to introduce Semester students to the precepts underlying the Institute's goal of being "simple in means, yet rich in ends," as stated by Arne Naess.

Jurga Žilinskienė

A summation in the City AM described Zilinskiene as: '...one hell of a formidable businesswoman... a Lithuanian-born cross between Richard Branson and Margaret Thatcher... combined perhaps with shades of Warren Buffett, whose frugality and dislike of shopping and ostentation she shares'.

see also