The game features familiar locations from the television series, including Sunnydale High School, the Summers' house, The Magic Box and The Bronze.
According to the premise of the book, the rain in Sunnydale is magical on Halloween, and if it lands on a scarecrow it will animate and hunt down the Slayer.
Buffy must stop the ritual from happening or the Master will rise from his prison below Sunnydale.
The episode "Pangs" reveals that Sunnydale is in the former homeland of the Chumash people, which is the area northwest of Los Angeles, centered on Santa Barbara County.
Giles uses a street map of Santa Barbara as a map of Sunnydale when he is plotting sightings of the Initiative commandos in the series' fourth season.
When seeking information about the soul-eating demons the Kurgarru, Doyle initially suggests Angel contact Giles for information, but Angel asks Doyle to talk to Harry first as he is reluctant to contact anyone in Sunnydale unless he has to