
3 unusual facts about Surafend affair

Surafend affair

In 2009, journalist Paul Daley was researching a book, Beersheba, and discovered an audio recording in the archives of the Australian War Memorial, which appeared to indicate that Australian soldiers were more involved than had been previously thought.

It was only in June 1919 that Allenby was informed by an Australian journalist of the resentment in the Division following his outburst, and he subsequently wrote a glowing tribute to the Australian Light Horse troops, farewelling them and thanking them for their heroic work in Palestine and Syria.

The village of Surafend (also known as Sarafand) was located nearby to the camps of the three brigades of the ANZAC Mounted Division: the New Zealand Mounted Rifles Brigade, and the Australian 1st and 2nd Light Horse Brigades.

see also