In 2006, Jenkins was invited by Susan Polgar (former World Chess Champion and Chess Olympiad Gold Medalist) after reading about his chess collection to be her full-time web Designer, web master, and artist.
Susan Sarandon | Susan Sontag | Susan B. Anthony | Susan G. Komen for the Cure | Susan Tedeschi | Susan Collins | Susan Ashton | Susan Roces | Susan Glaspell | Susan Stroman | Susan Kare | Susan Hayward | Susan Haack | Susan Sheridan | Susan Lucci | Susan Werner | Susan Sullivan | Susan Oliver | Susan Love | Susan Dey | Susan Cooper | Susan Blackwell | Judit Polgár | Alfred Polgar | Susan Reynolds | Susan Raye | Susan P. Crawford | Susan Maughan | Susan Ivanova | Susan Hill |
Chess theoreticians analyzed Pacioli's knowledge of the subject after one of the problems from the manuscript was published first by The Guardian and later elsewhere, including Raymond Keene's column in The Times and Susan Polgar's blog.
László Polgár (born 1946 in Gyöngyös), is a Hungarian chess teacher and father of the famous "Polgár sisters": Zsuzsa, Zsófia, and Judit.
He is Chairperson of the USCF Polgar Committee, which oversees the Susan Polgar National Invitational for Girls.