These CAPs advocate alternative transportation strategies such as carpooling, vanpooling, carsharing, telework, flex time, congestion pricing, walking, biking, and many other methods.
Rail transport | International Air Transport Association | Department for Transport | Pipeline transport | London Transport | Secretary of State for Transport | Ministry of Transport | Baby transport | Transport for London | transport | British Transport Films | Transport Layer Security | Regie voor Maritiem Transport | British Transport Commission | Transport Scotland | Transport Canada | Rail transport in New Zealand | rail transport | Public transport timetable | Land Transport Authority | Transport and General Workers' Union | sustainable development | Secure Real-time Transport Protocol | Real-time Transport Protocol | Ministry of Transport (Singapore) | Minister for Transport | London Passenger Transport Board | West Midlands Passenger Transport Executive | State Transport Authority | Minister of Transport and Communications (Norway) |
During its conception and construction, the bridge was known as the "Green Bridge" because it was a sustainable transport initiative and since the naming many people have continued to call it the Green Bridge in preference to its official name.