
unusual facts about Sutherland Shire


In December 2005, the New South Wales Police Service initiated a lockdown of the Sutherland Shire and other beach areas of New South Wales to contain race rioting (and retaliative strikes).

see also

Kangaroo Point

Kangaroo Point, New South Wales - a suburb in Sutherland Shire, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Les Bursill

In August 2008, Bursill became the founding editor of a new journal of local history, art and natural history named Doryanthes (after the genus of the Gymea Lily, endemic to the Sutherland Shire and Illawarra).

Sutherland Astronomical Society

The Society was formed in June 1961, and was then known as the James Cook Astronomers Club (JCAC), named after Captain James Cook, English explorer who first landed in Australia at Kurnell (a suburb in the Sutherland Shire) after successfully observing a transit of Venus from Tahiti.

Vanessa Ware

She currently lives in the Sutherland Shire and is teaching team mate, Erin Bell Spanish.