
unusual facts about Swaine


John Joseph Swaine (born 1932), President of the Legislative Council of Hong Kong

A Good Word for the Vicar of Bray

Thibaw, last king of Burma, decapitated seventy or eighty of his brothers on his accession, but planted Tamarind trees in Mandalay, and Mrs Overall, wife of Dean Overall was a wanton but was commemorated in an entertaining poem about her - "The Shepherd Swaine" by John Aubrey.

Liz Swaine

After her municipal service, Swaine became communications director for Calumet Lubricants Company, an oil and natural gas concern which maintains a large plant in Cotton Valley in central Webster Parish.

Thomas Barr

Thomas D. Barr (1931–2008), prominent lawyer at Cravath, Swaine & Moore

see also