Shortly after receiving her Ph.D., Bilger became the head of Sweet Briar College's Department of Chemistry, a position she held for two years.
Starting in summer 2011, the program expanded to include Sweet Briar College and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in addition to Swarthmore College and Drexel University.
Sweet Briar College, a liberal arts women's college in Sweet Briar, Virginia, United States
Serving Lynchburg, Virginia, WNRN shares a frequency with Sweet Briar College on 89.9 FM (WNRS-FM Sweetbriar), and broadcasts all but a few hours of the day when locally originated programming airs on WNRS-FM.
college football | Eton College | University College London | Dartmouth College | King's College London | Harvard College | Trinity College | college | Oberlin College | Boston College | University College Dublin | Williams College | Vassar College | college basketball | Winchester College | Imperial College London | Collège de France | Middlebury College | Berklee College of Music | Royal College of Art | Smith College | Royal College of Music | Yale College | New College, Oxford | City College of New York | Amherst College | Magdalen College, Oxford | Kenyon College | Bowdoin College | Naval War College |
Although she studied with composer Béla Bartók and studied at Budapest's Liszt Academy, she fled Hungary after World War II and moved to the United States, where she taught at Sweet Briar College and eventually moved to the small town of Independence, California, outside of Death Valley, where she lived with author Evelyn Eaton.
He designed the landscaping at places as diverse as the Frick Collection and the American wing of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in Manhattan; Blair House, the presidential guest quarters across the street from the White House; the Governor's Mansion in Albany; Wellesley College in Massachusetts; Sweet Briar College in Virginia; Aqueduct Racetrack in Queens.
Barbara A. Perry - Carter Glass Professor of Government and Director of the Center for Civic Renewal at Sweet Briar College in Virginia