
unusual facts about Sydney Turpentine-Ironbark Forest


Sydney Turpentine-Ironbark Forest, a critically endangered ecological community of indigenous plants unique to parts of the Sydney Basin bioregion, New South Wales, Australia.

Box-Ironbark forest

Box-Ironbark forest is characterised by a canopy of box, ironbark and gum-barked eucalypts, growing to 25 m in height, over a sparse understorey of wattles, small-leaved and prostrate shrubs, herbs and grasses.


The Wallumatta Nature Reserve is a small and critically endangered remnant of preserved bushland located at the corner of Twin and Cressy Roads, North Ryde, and is significant for being the largest remaining expanse of endangered Sydney Turpentine-Ironbark Forest, which is an ecological community of plants unique to the Sydney bioregion.

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