
unusual facts about shrub

Hanukkah bush

A Hanukkah bush is a bush or tree—real or simulated—that some North American Jewish families display in their homes for the duration of Hanukkah.

Acklins ground iguana

Like all Cyclura species the Acklins ground iguana is primarily herbivorous, 95% of which from consuming leaves, flowers and fruits from 7 different plant species such as seaside rock shrub (Rachicallis americana), and erect prickly pear (Opuntia stricta).


Closer to the "Senos de la Tejada", the pines are disappearing to make way for size shrub species such as juniper, savin, hawthorn, and yew, which is currently on the decline, although is teem on some cliffs on the north side of Sierra Tejada.

Arbutus andrachne

Arbutus andrachne, commonly called the Greek Strawberry Tree, is an evergreen shrub or small tree in the family Ericaceae, native to the Mediterranean region, the Middle East, and southwestern Asia.

B. nivea

Banksia nivea, the honeypot dryandra, a shrub species endemic to Western Australia

B. salicifolia

Baccharis salicifolia, a flowering shrub species native to the desert southwest of the United States and northern Mexico

Banksia spinulosa var. collina

It is usually an understory shrub in open forests and woodlands of Eucalyptus.

Battle of Aguere

The path to reach the tableland from the coast, the path of La Cuesta, in those days was covered by thick vegetation that included Canarian pine, broom, beech, heather, palm trees, dragos, savin and other species, and so the accession up the hill was a dangerous undertaking.

Boinka, Victoria

Boinka is listed within the Victorian Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988 as being one of only two places where Pale Myoporum (Myoporum brevipes Benth.), a recumbent or erect shrub of up to 2 metres in height (widespread in South Australia), is known to grow indigenously outside of that location.


Eupomatia laurina, a shrub originating from Australia and New Guinea, providing an Australian spice.

Buddleja 'Lochinch'

Buddleja 'Lochinch' is an old hybrid cultivar raised from a chance seedling found in the garden of the Earl of Stair at Lochinch Castle, Scotland, circa 1940; the shrub's parents believed to be Buddleja davidii and Buddleja fallowiana.

Buddleja davidii var. nanhoensis

Now very rare in cultivation, unlike its numerous cultivars, the shrub is still grown in the UK at the Sir Harold Hillier Gardens near Romsey.

C. macrocarpa

Carissa macrocarpa, the Natal plum, a shrub native to South Africa

C. maximus

Clianthus maximus, the kakabeak or kōwhai ngutu-kākā in Māori, a woody legume shrub species native to New Zealand's North Island

C.F. Ball

A cultivar of the South American shrub Escallonia is named ‘C.F. Ball’ in his memory, a beautiful shrub with dark green leaves and bright red flowers, excellent for bees.

Ceanothus fendleri

The Navajos combined this shrub and green gentian to make a medicine applied internally or externally, for "alarm and nervousness".

Charolais cattle

In Sierra Nevada de Mérida, Venezuela, following the rural flight of farmers, many Charolais cattle were abandoned; they have survived in the wild feeding on Espeletia schultzii, a high altitude shrub.

Clipperton Island

These plants compose a shrub cover up to 30 cm in height and are intermixed with Eclipta, Phyllanthus, and Solanum, as well as a taller plant, Brassica juncea.

Colquhounia elegans

Colquhounia elegans (秀丽火把花, xiu li huo ba hua) is a shrub species in the genus Colquhounia found in Asia (Yunnan, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam).


Conolidine was first isolated in 2004 from the bark of the Tabernaemontana divaricata (Crepe jasmine) shrub which is used in traditional Chinese medicine.

Cornus sanguinea

It grows in the margins of forests or unforested areas as woods in regeneration, prickly woodland fringes, with other thorny shrub species (for example, Clematis vitalba, Crataegus monogyna, Malus sylvestris, Prunus spinosa, Rubus idaeus or Rubus ulmifolius).

Crataegus ancisa

Crataegus ancisa, the Mississippi Hawthorn, is a species of hawthorn that grows as a shrub or tree, and is endemic to the Southern United States, in North America.

Crucifixion thorn

Castela erecta (goatbush), a shrub or small tree in the family Simaroubaceae native to the Chihuahuan Desert

Cyclura rileyi cristata

Like all Cyclura species the White Cay iguana is primarily herbivorous, 95% of which from consuming leaves, flowers and fruits from 7 different plant species such as Seaside Rock Shrub (Rachicallis americana), and Erect Prickly Pear (Opuntia stricta).

E. europaeus

Euonymus europaeus, the spindle, European spindle or common spindle, a deciduous shrub or small tree species

Genista Battery

The cave attracted scientific interest including George Busk from London who referring to the cave as "Genista" as a link to its discover as "Genisteae" is the Latin name of the shrub "Broom".

H. aspera

Hydrangea aspera, a shrub species native to the region between the Himalaya, across southern China to Taiwan


Geniostoma ligustrifolium, a native shrub of New Zealand, also called New Zealand privet

Heinrich Sylvester Theodor Tiling

Lange and Gumprecht, the two persons that reviewed Eine Reise um die Welt ...., sing his praise for the introduction and popularisation of the pretty garden shrub „Weigela Middendorfiana“ to Europe’s gardens.

Hibiscus fragilis

The Mandrinette (Hibiscus fragilis) is an extremely rare endemic shrub only known from steep slopes of the mountains Corps de Garde and Le Morne Brabant on Mauritius and from two further plants on Rodrigues.


Hoarwithy (Viburnum lantana, the Wayfaring tree), a shrub of the genus Viburnum

I. australis

Indigofera australis, the Australian indigo, a leguminous shrub species

Indian plum

Oemleria, a shrub in the rose family native to the Pacific Coast of North America

J. californica

Juglans californica, the California black walnut, California walnut or the Southern California black walnut, a large shrub or small tree species endemic to California

Justicia umbrosa

Justicia umbrosa (Brazilian plume, Yellow Jacobinia; syn. Adhatoda umbrosa Ness, and Justicia aurea Schltdl.) is an ornamental shrub native of Cerrado vegetation of Brazil.

Korean cherry

Prunus japonica is widely cultivated as an ornamental tree or shrub

M. dentatus

Melicytus dentatus, the tree violet, a shrub species native to south-east Australia

Mimosa tenuiflora

Mimosa hostilis (Jurema, Tepezcohuite) is a perennial tree or shrub native to the northeastern region of Brazil (Paraíba, Rio Grande do Norte, Ceará, Pernambuco, Bahia) and found as far north as southern Mexico (Oaxaca and coast of Chiapas).

Naurzum Nature Reserve

In the shrub dominated parts, typical steppe shrubs are Russian almond (Amygdalus nana), cherry (Cerasus fruticosa), greenweed (Cytisus ruthenicus) (western distribution boundary), species of wild roses (Rosa) and juniper (Juniperus sabinea).

New Zealand laurel

Coprosma repens, a popular shrub which is resistant to salt spray

Old Botanical Garden, Zürich

The Gessner garden shows 50 medicinal plants (herbs and shrubs), used by 16th century's healers, each with a citation of a healer from that period, such as Cynara cardunculus, Potentilla erecta, Linum usitatissimum, Paeonia officinalis, Silybum marianum, Juniperus communis, Fragaria vesca, Artemisia absinthium and more.

R. aureum

Ribes aureum, the buffalo currant, clove currant, golden currant or Missouri currant, a shrub species native to Canada, most of the United States (except the southeast) and northern Mexico

Ranavalona I

A poison was extracted from the nut of the native tangena (Tanghinia venenifera) shrub and ingested, with the outcome determining innocence or guilt.

Rhamnus betulaefolia

Rhamnus betulaefolia (Birchleaf Buckthorn) is a shrub or small tree of the Fabaceae family, the buckthorns.

Salix lapponum

Salix lapponum, the downy willow, is a low, much branched shrub (to 1.5 metres) having a wide distribution in Northern Europe, eastwards to the Altai and western Siberia, and is found as far south as the Pyrenees and Bulgaria.

South Exmoor SSSI

The most abundant tree species is Sessile Oak (Quercus petraea), the shrub layer is very sparse and the ground flora includes Bracken, Bilberry and a variety of mosses.

Texas sage

Leucophyllum frutescens, an evergreen shrub in the figwort family, native to Texas, that is not a true sage

Tracer ammunition

In July 2009, a large fire was started by tracer ammunition near Marseille, France, an area where shrub vegetation is very dry and flammable in the summer, and where normally this kind of ammunition should not be used.

White-browed Tit

It breeds in alpine shrub forests of Berberis, Rhamnus, Rhododendron, and Salix at 3,200–4,235 m altitude, descending in winter to slightly lower levels where it occurs in coniferous forests, primarily Picea.

see also