Albert Charles Seward, Professor of Botany at Cambridge and a Syndic at the Press, supported Moss, but both eventually reluctantly accepted the Press's preferences.
David Nitschmann der Syndikus (David Nitschmann the Syndic; September 20, 1703 in Zauchtenthal/Suchdol nad Odrou – March 28, 1779 in Zeist) was a Czech-born Moravian missionary.
During the session of the Legislative Assembly, after the Constituent Assembly was dissolved in September of that year, he exercised the functions of procureur syndic, and was subsequently secretary-general of the département of Haut-Rhin.
After the close of the Constituent Assembly, he was elected, on 11 November 1791, procureur général syndic of the départment of Paris.
Nearly all companies, guilds, and the University of Paris had representative bodies the members of which were termed syndici.
Syndic |
Notary Martin Chourio was a syndic from Ascain at the some 56 villages represented at the Biltzar organization for the Labourd area around 1653.
Maria de' Medici, then regent in France, opposed Richer; and, when he had been censured by an assembly of bishops held at Sens, presided over by Cardinal du Perron, she had him deposed, and a new syndic elected (1612).
When the labour guilds of Antwerp and Brussels protested vigorously against the government taxes and tried to assert their ancient privileges, Prié caused the aged Frans Anneessens, syndic or chairman of one of these guilds, to be arrested and put to death (1719).
Paschen Ritter und Edler von Cossel (b. 21 December 1714 in Anklam, Vorpommern; d. 17 January 1805 in Jersbek), was a German lawyer (since 1738), doctor of laws, syndic, canon of the Hamburg Cathedral chapter, and owner of two Holsteinian estates, Gut Jersbek and Gut Stegen (from 1774–1805).