Synopsys, an electronic design automation company based in Mountain View, California
Kievan Synopsis, a historical work, first published in Kiev in 1674
Video Synopsis, an approach to create a short video summary of a long video.
Synopsis Universae Philologiae, an early work on comparative linguistics by Gottfried Hensel (Godofredus Henselius, 1687–1767)
Video Synopsis | Synopsis Universae Philologiae | Kievan Synopsis |
Catalan also translated into Hebrew Albertus Magnus's Philosophia Pauperum, under the title Kitztzur ha-Philosophia ha-Chib'it (Synopsis of Natural Philosophy), and Marsilius of Inghen's Questions, under the title Sha'alot u-Teshubot (Questions and Answers).
Below is an episodic synopsis of Absolutely Charming, which consists of 20 episodes and is broadcast on MediaCorp Channel 8.
Wallach, Van; Brown, R. M.; Diesmos, A. C., Gee, G. V. A. (2007) "An Enigmatic New Species of Blind Snake from Luzon Island, Northern Philippines, with a Synopsis of the Genus Acutotyphlops (Serpentes: Typhlopidae)".
His greatest fame yet was to come in 1956, when he was approached with the job of developing and illustrating Capitán Trueno from the synopsis provided by the writer, Víctor Mora.
The broad plot synopsis of the Astrosaurs series is that the dinosaurs were not in fact wiped out when a large meteor hit the earth millions of years ago; they had in fact discovered space travel during the Triassic period and had already left earth by the time the meteor struck.
The basic synopsis of this man's story is also very similar to the film 30 Minutes or Less, where a pizza delivery boy is called to deliver pizzas to a remote part of town.
Carex firma was first described by Nicolaus Thomas Host in 1797, in his work Synopsis Plantarum in Austria provinciisque adjacentibus sponte crescentium.
For the cinema he wrote the initial synopsis for the 1982 SAS embassy-storming film Who Dares Wins, which was then turned into a novel The Tiptoe Boys in thirty days flat by author James Follett and then into a screenplay by veteran screenwriter Reginald Rose.
From 1996 until 2000 Kuiper hosted "Giants Lite" and "A's Lite" on SportsChannel Pacific and later FSN Bay Area, which were 30-minute condensed highlight shows of the games, and which gave a synopsis of the games that were not televised.
Synopsis in brief: Three friends—Jānis, Zigis and Ričards—are mobilized into the Latvian Legion during World War II, where they fight against the Red Army in the Volkhov Marshes.
Each MAFOR broadcast is followed by a brief technical synopsis of the current weather map in plain language.
First collected by John White in the vicinity of Port Jackson (Sydney) in 1794, Persoonia hirsuta was described by Christiaan Hendrik Persoon in his 1805 work Synopsis Plantarum.
The species was formally described in 1854 by German botanist and physician Ernst Gottlieb von Steudel in Synopsis Plantarum Glumacearum .
The species was first described by J. Hardenberg in 1941 in a synopsis of the Fishes of New Guinea based on the holotype specimen which was collected from Merauke on the southern coast of New Guinea.
The participation in corporate projects includes "The System of Ukrainian Scientific Literature Synopsys" which contributes to the formation of the national abstracts database entitled "Ukrainika Naukova"; publication of professional series of the Ukrainian synopsis journal "Djerelo", and support for online access to the full-text database "Scientific Periodicals of Ukraine" created by the V. I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine.
Griesbach, noticing the special place of Mark in the synopsis, hypothesized Marcan posteriority and advanced (as Owen had a few years earlier) the Griesbach (Matthew-Luke) hypothesis.
Tarr and Krasznahorkai then wrote a short synopsis for such a story in 1990, but put it away in favour of making Sátántangó.
Below are two episodic synopsis of Unriddle and Unriddle 2, which consist of 20 episodes each and were broadcast on MediaCorp Channel 8.
The first reference to this species came in John Ray's 1690 Synopsis, which recorded the discovery of a rare fern near the summit of Snowdon in Wales by Edward Lhwyd.