After the war, as a result of the world’s first hydrogen bomb explosion on a Pacific atoll in 1952, Huizenga was part of the team that added two new synthetic chemical elements einsteinium and fermium to the Periodic table.
Chemical element | mercury (element) | Element Lad | The Fifth Element | Synthetic racetrack surfaces for horse racing | chemical element | Synthetic Generation | Mercury (element) | synthetic aperture radar | Finite element method | Classical element | Well-formed element | Synthetic diamond | Synthetic aperture radar | Sterol regulatory element-binding protein | Identity element | finite element method | Element of Crime | Synthetic Substitution | Synthetic resin | Synthetic Genomics | Synthetic Fuels Corporation | Synthetic Entertainment | Synthetic element | NYCO Synthetic Lubricants | Monoisotopic element | Linear element | Inverse synthetic aperture radar | Human Element | HTML element |