
unusual facts about Syrian Army

Muhammad A. Agha

Born in the coastal city of Aleppo, Agha grew up under the towering influence of his father, Abdulkader Agha, a decorated officer in the Syrian Army who was Chief of Missile Command during the era of President Hafez al-Assad.

Bremen-class frigate

In 2012 the Rheinland-Pfalz was reportedly used to gather intelligence on Syrian troop movements to be passed to the Free Syrian Army assist in their attacks on the Syrian Army.

Chapter 2 of the Syrian Constitution

The constitution stipulates that the President of the Republic is the head of the state, the chief executive officer of the executive authority and the commander-in-chief of the armed forces.

Maarrat al-Nu'man

Starting October 8, 2012, the Battle of Maarrat al-Nu'man was fought between the Free Syrian Army and the Syrian Army, causing numerous civilian casualties and severe material damage.

see also

Abdul Rahman Orfalli

On March 20, 2012, he was reported to have been killed in heavy shelling by the Syrian army in an offensive on Homs.


This again led to mass-defections of Palestinians from the movement (Harris quotes the Syrian-aligned Amal Movement as complaining that the Syrian-backed Palestinian forces sent to attack the PLO were "Abu Musa in the Biqa'" but "become Abu nothing in the Shuf and Abu Ammar on arrival in Beirut"), and reportedly its ranks were filled with non-Palestinian Syrian army recruits.

Battle of Qalamoun

The Battle of Qalamoun started on 15 November 2013, with air strikes on the town of Qara, in the strategic Qalamoun region, in an attempt by the Syrian Army to cut rebel supply lines to Damascus from Lebanon.

Fouad Abou Nader

After Rafic Hariri assassination, he participated to the mass demonstrations in Beirut downtown for the departure of the Syrian army.

Free Syrian Army operations

At least fifty tanks and other armoured vehicle opened fire with 50 cal. machine guns and anti-aircraft weapons on positions held by the Free Syrian Army on Rastan's outskirts.

Idlib Governorate clashes

April 2012 Idlib Governorate Operation - an organized assault by Syrian Army on Idlib province prior to UN brokered cease-fire

Syrian Armed Forces

The French Mandate volunteer force, which would later become the Syrian army, was established in 1920 with the threat of Syrian−Arab nationalism in mind.