By the spring of 1911, some prominent Mongolian nobles including Prince Tögs-Ochiryn Namnansüren persuaded the Jebstundamba Khutukhtu to convene a meeting of nobles and ecclesiastical officials to discuss independence.
He served as the first prime minister of Autonomous Mongolia in the government of the Bogd Khan from 1912 until 1915 when the office of prime minister was abolished.
The Bogd Khan then dispatched him to Saint Petersburg in July 1911 as part of a delegation to seek Russian and West European support for Mongolian independence.
In 1911, Namnansüren persuaded Mongolia's religious leader Bogd Khan to call a congress of Mongolian princes and high-ranking lamas in Khüree to initiate independence from China.
Namnansüren, who allegedly could trace his heritage directly back to Genghis Khan, was born in 1878 in present day Uyanga district of Övörkhangai Province.