
unusual facts about TIB

Reuters Market Data System

The latest version of RMDS, version 6, includes Reuters Wire Format (RWF) as a major improvement to Marketfeed (MF) used in RMDS version 5 and prior technologies like Triarch, TIB.


TIB | TiB |

Chushi Gangdruk

Chushi Gangdruk "Four Rivers, Six Ranges" is the name traditionally given to the eastern Tibetan region of Kham where the gorges of the Salween (Tib. Ngul-chu), Mekong (Da-chu), Yangtze (Dri-chu) and Yalong (Dza-chu) rivers, all arising on the Tibetan Plateau, pass between six parallel ranges of mountains that form the watersheds for these rivers.


Various Four-armed Mahākālas (Skt. Chatur-bhuja Mahākāla, Tib. Wylie: mGon po phyag bzhi pa) are the primary protectors of the Karma Kagyu, Drikung Kagyu and the Drukpa Lineage of Tibetan Buddhism.


Traditionally, Mañjushrīmītra (Tib. jam dpal bshes gnyen) is said to have classified all the Dzogchen teachings transmitted by his teacher Prahevajra (Tib. Garab Dorje) into three series: Semde (Wylie: sems sde), Longde (Wylie: klong sde), and Menngagde.


If you use Windows 2000/XP, probably the safest approach (for disks under 2 TiB) is to use a CHS partition table alignment that is chosen by Windows XP/2000 (not Vista or Windows 7).


This phase is roughly analogous to the physical isolation (kāyaviveka, Tib. lus bden) phase of Guhyasamāja tantra.

River Tib

During the Roman period, the Tib marked the boundary of the vicus or settlement of Mamucium; the river continued to mark Manchester's boundary until medieval times, as well as providing drinking water.


the Tattvasamgraha of Shantarakshita, a survey of Buddhist and non-Buddhist philosophical views (tenets, Tib. sgrub-mtha)

The Peterloo Group

The first meeting was held in May 1957 in a hired room above the Town Hall Hotel, a Victorian gothic public house in Tib Lane adjacent to Albert Square, - and close to St Peter's Square where in 1819 the infamous Peterloo Massacre had taken place, and from which the group took its name.


from Nagarjuna he received the radiant light (Sanskrit: prabhasvara) and illusory body (Sanskrit: maya deha, Tib. gyulu) teachings (refer Chakrasamvara Tantra), Lagusamvara tantra, or Heruka Abhidharma);

see also