
unusual facts about TIROS


:For the U.S. satellite TIROS see Television Infrared Observation Satellite.



Elmer William Engstrom

In this role he led RCA's development of its first all-electronic color television system after the war ended, as well as national efforts including BMEWS (the Ballistic Missile Early Warning System) and the TIROS (Television Infrared Observation Satellite) weather-reporting satellite system.

Heinz Kaminski

At the Bochum Station, signals from a variety of space vehicles from the Sputniks, Luniks up to Vostok and Voskhod could be received, as well as in 1963 (for the first time in Europe) satellite pictures from the US weather satellite TIROS-8.

Yvonne Brill

Brill contributed to the propulsion systems of TIROS, the first weather satellite; Nova, a series of rocket designs that were used in American moon missions; Explorer 32, the first upper-atmosphere satellite; and the Mars Observer, which in 1992 almost entered a Mars orbit before losing communication with Earth.

see also