
3 unusual facts about TKS


1 x TKS - One of the TKS tankettes was donated to Poland by the Swedish Axvall Tank Museum and since 2008 it is on exhibition in the Museum of the Polish Army.

Janusz Magnuski, "Karaluchy przeciw panzerom"; Pelta; Warsaw 1995

TKS-based spacecraft

In March 2005, Khrunichev enterprise, Russia's major developer of rocket technology and spacecraft, unveiled plans for the country's participation in the exploration of the Moon.


Tanks of the Polish Armoured Forces

After the German and Soviet attack and fall Poland in 1939 it was copied entirely from captured 7TP and TKS Polish tanks and used in all 1940 and later tanks of the Germany (including the Tiger) and later by USSR (including the T-34 and T-70).

see also