In 1912 Jing enrolled in an American Methodist Middle School in Taian and was later hired as a teacher by the Methodist missionary Nora Dellinbeck, a teacher of Mandarin Chinese.
There, he was profoundly influenced by the American Assemblies of God missionaries, L. Lesli, M. Anglin and J. Jaston, who had arrived in Taian in 1916.
According to A.L. Sadler, the earliest extant example of a space attached to a chashitsu (room intended for the tea ceremony) that is describable as a mizuya exists at the Taian, a chashitsu designed by Sen Rikyū.
For the following 2004–2005 season, they moved again to Taian, but moved back to Jinan for 2005–2006.
Tai'an (泰安市), prefecture-level city of Shandong, formerly a county
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