
2 unusual facts about Taku


In 1924 Toyama moved his family to Taiwan where he taught in an elementary school and studied Chinese Ch'uan Fa, which included Taku, Makaitan, Rutaobai, and Ubo.

SMS Kaiserin und Königin Maria Theresia

The ships joined the international fleet off Taku in September 1900, though by that time, most of the fighting had already occurred.

Edmund Henry Lenon

On 21 August 1860 at the Taku Forts, China, Lieutenant Lenon, with Lieutenant Robert Montresor Rogers and Private John McDougall of the 44th Foot, displayed great gallantry in the ditches and entering the North Taku Fort by an embrasure during the assault.

Keni'chiro Arai

:*Dragon Gate Open the Triangle Gate Championship (1 time) – with Taku Iwasa and Shinobu

Merrill B. Twining

In China he served with the 4th and 12th Marine Regiments at Shanghai, Taku, Hsin Ho, Tientsin, and Peking.

Osaka Broadcasting Corporation

"OBC Song (OBCソング)" (the lyrics by Akiyuki Nosaka (野坂 昭如), music by Taku Izumi (いずみ たく)) is Japan's first commercial broadcasting station's song produced in 1961.

Taku Forts

In 1860, an Anglo-French force gathered at Hong Kong and then carried out a landing at Pei Tang on August 1, and a successful assault on the Taku Forts on August 21 after which Hospital Apprentice Andrew Fitzgibbon of the Indian Medical Establishment became the youngest recipient of the Victoria Cross at the age of 15 years and 3 months.

Taku Inlet

Norris, Taku, Hole-in–the-Wall, Twin and Tulsequah glaciers emerge out on the southeastern side and flow into the trench of the Taku Inlet and Taku River.

Transboundary Watershed Region

The Transboundary Watershed Region is a region of northwest British Columbia and southeast Alaska that includes the Tatshenshini-Alsek, Chilkat, Chilkoot, Skagway, Taiya, Taku, Iskut-Stikine, Unuk, and Whiting watersheds.

Tulsequah River

An Alaska organization, Rivers Without Borders, has been working to gain legislative protection for the Taku River on the Alaska side, an effort driven in part by the mine's waste flowing into the Tulsequah River.

Yi Sam-pyeong

He was then given to Taku Yasutoshi in the ruler of Taku in central Saga, where he started pottery but did not succeed.

see also