Director/writer Yoshiaki Kawajiri in his popular animated film Ninja Scroll created one of main characters Dakuan as a homage to Takuan Soho.
In retribution for the violation of Tōkeiji Temple and those who she had taken under her care, Princess Sen sends a message to the famous monk Takuan Sōhō to locate one person who can train the seven Hori women in the arts of ninjutsu to seek their revenge.
Soho | Soho Theatre | Soho Square | SoHo | SOHO | SoHo, Manhattan | Soho House | Soho, West Midlands | SOHO China | St Anne's Church, Soho | SOHO Square | Soho Grand Hotel | Soho and Winson Green railway station | Takuan Sōhō | SoHo (TV channel) | Soho Manufactory | Soho Benson Road tram stop | Ruby Soho | Guggenheim Museum SoHo |