She grew up in Andover, Massachusetts, where she attended the Andover public schools and then Phillips Academy Andover.
After graduating from college, she worked for several years as an assistant to Linda Darling-Hammond at the RAND Corporation’s education policy division in Washington, DC.
River Tamar | Tamar | Tamar of Georgia | Tamar Katz | Tamar Station | Tamar (Genesis) | Tamar Geller | Támar | Tamar River | Tamar Gozansky | Tamar Gendler | Tamar El Or | Susy Andersen as Tamar in the movie ''Thor and the Amazon Women | Everett Gendler |
This problem was first raised by David Hume, and was revived in current discussion by Richard Moran, Kendall Walton and Tamar Gendler (who introduced the term in its current usage in a 2000 article by the same name).