His books on the Norwegian travelling people, Fant (1928) and Josefa (1930) became popular, and in 1937 Fant was made into a film by Tancred Ibsen.
Henrik Ibsen | Tancred of Hauteville | Tancred | Tancred Ibsen | Lillebil Ibsen | Bergliot Ibsen | Teater Ibsen | Tancred of Bologna | Tancred (disambiguation) | Tancred Borenius | Ibsen's | Ibsen MartÃnez | Ibsen Martinez | Henrik Ibsen's | Harry Tancred | Bill Tancred | Bernard Tancred |
A film version of To mistenkelige personer was directed by Tancred Ibsen in 1950, but showing the film in public was forbidden in the Supreme Court of Norway in 1952, in order to protect one of the persons whose story it was based on.
During the summer of 1920 A/S Aero successly operated demonstration, advertising, and limited mail flights from the Bestumkilen bay in Oslo, with Tancred Ibsen as the head pilot.