
unusual facts about Tannin

Puerto Casado

Tannin is a substance extracted from the "quebracho" tree, used for tanning hides.

800 Series Shinkansen

Persimmon tannin color is used for the walls, ancient lacquer for the doors, and Kyushu traditional rope curtain from Yatsushiroigusa for the lavatory are used.


Prodelphinidin B3 (gallocatechin-(4α→8)-catechin), a condensed tannin

Prodelphinidin B9 (epigallocatechin-(4α→8)-catechin), a condensed tannin


Prodelphinidin B3 (Gallocatechin 4→8 catechin dimer), a condensed tannin

Luteic acid

Maximilian Nierenstein showed in 1945 that luteic acid was a molecule present in the myrobalanitannin, a tannin found in the fruit of Terminalia chebula and is an intermediary compound in the synthesis of ellagic acid.

see also