On 31 August 1536 he had a charter of the lands of Tantallon and others.
The community was founded in 1904 and takes its name from a homestead (which was named "Tantallon" by Scottish Canadian James Moffat Douglas (former Canadian MP and Senator)), who said this part of the Qu'Appelle Valley reminded him of Tantallon Castle in Scotland.
In 1699 Dalrymple bought the barony and Castle of Tantallon from James Douglas, 2nd Marquess of Douglas, but allowed the castle to fall into further ruin.
He named it Tantallon because he said the location reminded him of Tantallon Castle in Scotland.
The ensemble is renowned for their site-specific work and collaborations with other companies including 1000 Airplanes on the Roof with the National Theatre of Scotland, Pass the Spoon with Magnetic North Theatre Company and Tantallon! These Lands, This Wall with the Lammermuir Festival in East Lothian.
When the 5th earl, "Bell-the-Cat", came of age in 1470, William Douglas came before the King and ad eius genua prouolutus — resigned ward of Tantallon and the lordship of Douglas per fustem et baculum in the said earl's favour.