The Web Standards movement pioneered by Glenn Davis, George Olsen, Jeffrey Zeldman, Steven Champeon, Todd Fahrner, Eric A. Meyer, Tantek Çelik, Dori Smith, Tim Bray, Jeffrey Veen, and other members of the Web Standards Project in the 1990s replaced bandwidth-heavy tag soup with light, semantic markup and progressive enhancement, with the goal of making web content "accessible to all".
The Global Multimedia Protocols Group (GMPG) was founded in March 2003 by Tantek Çelik, Eric A. Meyer, and Matt Mullenweg.
He serves as a founder at the Global Multimedia Protocols Group and has Bachelor's and Masters degrees in Computer Science from Stanford University.
GMPG was founded by Tantek Çelik, Eric Meyer, and Matthew Mullenweg who developed the initial principles for XFN, the XHTML Friends Network as an attempt for the creation of a simple way to express human relationships on the Web within HTML (machine-readable).