The original CBA transmitter site at the Tantramar Marshes near Sackville continued to broadcast Radio Canada International around the world on shortwave radio as well as relay broadcasts for several foreign shortwave broadcasters.
The Tantramar Marshes are former salt-marshes that were dyked and drained on the Isthmus of Chignecto between the Canadian provinces of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia
Pontine Marshes | Tantramar Marshes | North Kent Marshes | Mesopotamian Marshes | Walthamstow Marshes | Pinsk Marshes | Dead Marshes | Tantramar Regional High School | Tantramar Heritage Trust | Tantramar Civic Centre | ''Sunlight and Shadow: The Newbury Marshes'', c. 1871-1875, by Martin Johnson Heade | Rainham Marshes Nature Reserve | Oare Marshes | Maeotian marshes | Brading Marshes RSPB reserve |
Cumberland Basin - the northeast arm of Chignecto Bay (and the Bay of Fundy) between the two provinces, terminating at the Tantramar Marshes and the estuaries of the Tantramar River and Maccan River.
Aside from the more prominent Aulac Ridge, the Fort Lawrence Ridge is surrounded by the flat plain of the Tantramar Marshes with a commanding view of the Cumberland Basin, an arm of the Bay of Fundy.