
unusual facts about Tantric


Tantras, refers to numerous and varied scriptures pertaining to any of several esoteric traditions rooted in Hindu and Buddhist philosophy


He notes that there are several other references in the early Pāli canon that seem to indicate the presence of devotees of Siva, Kali, and other divinities associated with sanguinary tantric practices, and that Angulimala's behaviour would not be inconsistent with certain violent practices that were observed in India by Thuggee-like transgressive cults into recent times.


The Naga Sadhus, Aghoris and Tantric Bhairav sects smoke it freely as an integral part of their religious practice.

Charles Rollier

He finds answers by the Christian mystics like Gregoire Palamas or Denys l’Aréopagite, and in some traditions coming from classical India, like Shaktism and tantric Buddhism.

Claire Zeisler

In the 1930s she bought works by Paul Klee, Joan Miró, Henry Moore, and Picasso, and as well as tribal objects including African sculptures, tantric art, ancient Peruvian textiles and more than 300 American Indian baskets.

Emmanuelle 3: A Lesson in Love

Fresh from Haffron and Theo's sexual experiences, Emmanuelle takes Tasha, a female member of the space crew to exotic locations to learn all about the basic and tantric of pansexuality.

Ganden Tripa

Ordained at eight years old, after fifty years of meditative practices and studies he was elevated by the Dalai-lama as successively abbot of Gyutö Tantric College (in 1983), and as abbot of Ganden Shartse Monastic University (in 1992).

Guhyasamāja tantra

'Gos Lotsawa Khug pa lhas btsas originated a transmission in Tibet, as did Marpa Lotsawa. The Sakya tradition received both transmissions. Tsongkhapa, founder of the Gelug tradition, considered the Esoteric Community to be the most important of the tantras and used the Ārya tradition as a template for interpreting all the other tantric traditions.

History of Tibetan Buddhism

The records show that Chinese Buddhists were actively involved in missionary activity in Tibet, they did not have the same level of imperial support as Indian Buddhists, with tantric lineages from Bihar and Bengal.

Hugo Ferreira

Hugo Ferreira (born March 7, 1974) is a Portuguese-American African-born rock musician and singer-songwriter for the band Tantric.


Besides brothers Gary and Mark Cherone, who also play together in Slip Kid, a The Who tribute band, the band features Joe Pessia, who plays with Tantric and was the bassist for Bettencourt's DramaGods and drummer Dana Spellman, who was a student of Extreme's former drummer Mike Mangini.

Kashmir Shaivism

As a monistic tantric system, Trika Shaivism, as it is also known, draws teachings from shrutis, such as the monistic Bhairava Tantras, Shiva Sutras of Vasugupta, and also a unique version of the Bhagavad Gita which has a commentary by Abhinavagupta, known as the Gitartha Samgraha.


In Hinduism, the term yogini refers to a female yogi in general, but the term 64 yoginis refers to a tantric and secret female cult worshiping Hindu Goddess Durga.

Master Lu

Lu Sheng-yen (born 1945), commonly referred to by followers as Grand Master Lu (師尊) is the founder and spiritual leader of the True Buddha School, a new Buddhist sect with teachings taken from Sutrayana and Vajrayana (Tantric Buddhism), as well as Taoism

Michael Parkes

This style is realistic in principle, but often uses magical subject matter, with imagery drawn from a range of traditions including the cabalistic and the tantric.

Shashibhusan Dasgupta

Dasgupta's chief opus is the identification of Indian spiritual meditation forms and demonstration of their relationship to Tantric Buddhism, to Saivite, Sakta and Vaishnava religious philosophies, and to Bengali literature.

Silent Majority Group

Silent Majority Group is a record label founded in 2006 by former Creed, Alterbridge & Sevendust artist manager Jeff Hanson that concentrates on finding up-and-coming rock bands such as Framing Hanley, as well as providing a home for established acts such as Candlebox and Tantric.

Swami Janakananda

Swami Janakananda was a close friend and associate of the late tantric poet and painter Sohan Qadri.


Following Woodroffe a number of scholars began investigating Tantric teachings, including scholars of comparative religion and Indology such as Agehananda Bharati, Mircea Eliade, Julius Evola, Carl Jung, Giuseppe Tucci and Heinrich Zimmer.

Twilight language

The Twilight Language, a polysemic language and communication system associated with Tantric traditions

Vaidyanath Jyotirlinga

This place could have been a centre of tantric cults like Kapalika/Bhairava where Lord Shiva is worshipped significantly as smasan vasin (meaning, residing in crematorium), sava bhasma bhushita (meaning, smearing body with ashes of burnt bodies).

Yab Yum

Yab-Yum, a symbol of the tantric union of male and female in Tibetan Buddhism

Yogi Matsyendranath

He has received higher initiations in the Tantric Shrividya cult from Guru Shri Chidganandanatha (Kishingarh, Rajasthan), and the authority of the initiating Guru.

Yogini Tantra

Yogini Tantra is a 16th-century tantric text by an unknown author from Assam, India and dedicated to the worship of Hindu goddesses Kali and Kamakhya.

see also