He did 'Tapas' there and came to be known as Kuwala (Bilwa) Maharshi.
Anasuya, an archetypal chaste and virtuous wife, did severe Tapas (austerities) to beget a son equal in merits as Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, the Hindu male trinity (Trimurti).
On their request for penance, Agasthya Muni advised them to perform Tapas at two Shiva Temples.
Tapas | Tapas (Sanskrit) | tapas |
Mayon, residing with Isvaran (another name for Shiva) in Kailayam, escaped to undertake tavam (tapas, meaning "austerity") to receive permission from Isvaran to destroy Kroni.
Boyd lived for much of his life at Ronda in Andalusia, first with Diana, and later with Hilly and their son James, where he variously ran a tapas bar and a language school.
Having taken pity on Trishanku, he willingly exhausted all the punya he gained from his tapas, to enable him to ascend to the heavens.