
unusual facts about Tartarus


Within the fictional universe of Impire, the player assumes the persona of Baʿal-Abaddon, a primordial evil summoned from Tartarus and imprisoned in the physical form of a demonic imp, initially forced to serve the incompetent sorcerer Oscar van Fairweather.


In the TV series Class of the Titans, Campe (voiced by Pam Hyatt in Season One, Pauline Newstone in Season Two) is the jailer of Tartarus and her only escapee was Cronus.

Tartarus Press

Tartarus publishes classic supernatural fiction by Arthur Machen, M. P. Shiel, Hugh Walpole, Gustav Meyrink, Oliver Onions, and more modern authors such as Sarban, Robert Aickman and David Lindsay, alongside contemporary writers including Quentin S. Crisp, Mark Valentine, Angela Slatter and Rhys Hughes.

Tartarus Press is an independent small press run by R.B. Russell and Rosalie Parker.

see also