After the resignation of his friend and former ministerial colleague Nicol Stephen, Scott declared his candidacy for the leadership of the Scottish Liberal Democrats on 7 July 2008 at Lerwick harbour, surrounded by a group of men dressed as Vikings which is a tradition in Shetland called Up Helly Aa where Shetlanders celebrate their Viking heritage.
Walter Scott | F. Scott Fitzgerald | Sir Walter Scott | Ridley Scott | Orson Scott Card | Tony Scott | Winfield Scott | Robert Falcon Scott | Scott | Scott Brown | Ronnie Scott | Francis Scott Key | Scott McCloud | Scott Lobdell | John Scott, 1st Earl of Eldon | Winfield Scott Hancock | Randolph Scott | Peter Scott | Coretta Scott King | Seann William Scott | Scott Walker | Scott Bakula | George Gilbert Scott | Campbell Scott | Scott Hamilton | Scott Hastings | Jill Scott | Tom Scott | Terry Scott Taylor | Scott Peterson |
In 2005 the new crossing was given the go-ahead, and construction began in June 2006, with the sod-cutting ceremony performed by the Scottish Transport Minister, Tavish Scott, accompanied by the Earl of Elgin who as a boy had performed the ceremony for the Kincardine Bridge.
There are only four other Scottish Liberal Democrat MSPs currently sitting in the Scottish Parliament: Jim Hume, Liam McArthur and Alison McInnes and Tavish Scott, the former party leader.