
unusual facts about Tax Law

Joseph M. Dodge

Joseph M. Dodge is an American academic who is a leading authority on United States tax law.


Currently the sections—each of which is organized as its own independent blog—are: Administrative Law, Classics, Constitutional Law, Corporate Law, Courts Law, Criminal Law, Cyberlaw, Equality, Family Law, Health Law, Intellectual Property Law, Jurisprudence, Legal History, Legal Profession, Tax Law, Tort Law, Trusts & Estates, and Work Law.

see also

Arthur Cockfield, Baron Cockfield

Lord Cockfield resigned from the cabinet in September 1984 to join the European Commission as commissioner for Internal Market, Tax Law and Customs under Jacques Delors, and a Vice-President of the first Delors Commission.

Atlantic Mutual Insurance Company

Atlantic Mutual was involved in a significant tax law case which reached the U.S. Supreme Court in the 1990s.

Home mortgage interest deduction

The panel, which consisted of former Democratic politician Eliot Spitzer, tax law professor Dorothy A. Brown, Reagan domestic policy advisor Bruce Bartlett, and libertarian economist Daniel J. Mitchell, unanimously opposed the federal mortgage interest deduction.

Jens Spahn

Since the summer of 2012 Spahn is, along with twelve other CDU/CSU MPs, committed to defending tax law equality for couples registered in a civil partnership.

John T. Fey

Before coming to the Supreme Court, Fey (pronounced "Fie") was a professor of tax law and the dean of the George Washington University Law School.

Juan Ponce Enrile

As a scholar at the Harvard Law School, he earned a Master of Laws degree with specialized training in international tax law.

Lawrence Jegen

Lawrence A. Jegen III (born 1934) is the Thomas F. Sheehan Professor of Tax Law and Policy at the Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law.

Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property and Competition Law

In 2009 Kai A. Konrad was appointed to the Directorate of the Institute and the Department of Public Economics was added to the formed unit "Intellectual Property, Competition and Tax Law".

Pedro Altamiranda

He also composed a song about the former President of Panama, Martín Torrijos, named "Catín le dijo a Martín" (Catin told Martin), which talked about how the President and the Finance Minister supposedly planned the new controversial tax law.

Personal service

IR35, United Kingdom tax law for individuals paid through personal service companies

The International Research Foundation for English Language Education

TIRF is now an independent organization recognized with 501(c)(3) status by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service 1954 tax law.

Ultra trust

An Ultra Trust is a legal entity with special provisions, benefits, and limitations created and drafted by an attorney who has expertise with debtor—creditor law, income tax law, gift tax law, and estate tax law, as well as trust law.