
unusual facts about Technion – Israel Institute of Technology

Deborah number

It was originally proposed by Markus Reiner, a professor at Technion in Israel, inspired by a verse in the Bible, stating "The mountains flowed before the Lord" in a song by prophetess Deborah (Judges 5:5).

Elron Electronic Industries

In 1958 Uzia left the Navy, however the company did not generate enough revenues and he got a job at the Physics laboratory of the Technion; while there Moshe Arens, who was Professor of Aeronautics at the time, introduced him to Dan Tolkowsky.

In 1969, Uzia convinced a talented engineer, Avraham Suhami, who just completed his PhD at the Technion, to join him and start a new company that will focus on the developed of medical and scientific solutions, a new company - Elscint, a contraction of the words "electronic" and "scientific", was established again with the support of Dan Tolkowsky.


Elscint (a portmanteau of the words "electronic" and "scientific) was founded in 1969 by Dr. Avraham Suhami, who was a nuclear physics professor at the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology at the time, after receiving encouragement to apply his scientific and technical knowledge for commercial applications from Uzia Galil, founder of Elron, a technology investment company.

Shuli Mualem

After leaving the army she attended the Shaare Zedek nursing school, gaining a bachelor's degree, before taking a master's degree course in industrial engineering at the Technion.

Walter Noll

Noll has served as a visiting professor at the Johns Hopkins University, the University of Karlsruhe, the Israel Institute of Technology, the École Polytechnique in Nancy, the University of Pisa, the University of Pavia, and the University of Oxford.

see also