The organization provides opportunities such as Cross-cultural training, volunteer placement support, and community service projects, matching volunteers with professional internship and volunteer service opportunities in various areas such hospitals, public policy institutions, schools, Cultural organizations, technology centers, newspapers, summer camps, community development organizations, government ministries, and orphanages.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology | World Trade Center | center | California Institute of Technology | Kennedy Space Center | Georgia Institute of Technology | Walker Art Center | Rochester Institute of Technology | Queensland University of Technology | Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars | technology | Royal Institute of Technology | Delft University of Technology | Marshall Space Flight Center | Vienna University of Technology | Norwegian University of Science and Technology | Rockefeller Center | Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center | Information Technology | Goddard Space Flight Center | Illinois Institute of Technology | Georgia World Congress Center | Technology | Staples Center | Information technology | National Institute of Standards and Technology | Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education | Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts | Tanglewood Music Center | National Center for Biotechnology Information |
He has held industry positions at GTE (a Director of R&D at GTE Communication Systems in Phoenix, Arizona; and Director of the Software Technology Center at GTE Laboratories in Waltham, Massachusetts), BTG (Vice President in Vienna, Virginia), and Omni-Vista (President in Colorado Springs, Colorado).
Technical and trade education for Barboursville public school students is administered by the Cabell County Career Technology Center in Huntington; the CCCTC offers courses in automotive mechanics, HVAC, welding, nursing, and information technology.
The European manufacturing and technology center of Silicon Graphics settled in Cortaillod in 1992.
In 2005, California State University, East Bay in Hayward, California launched an aggressive construction project with the building of three new facilities: the Wayne and Gladys Valley Business and Technology Center (VBT), the Pioneer Heights student housing expansion and the University Union annex.
In November 2010, the state of Louisiana approved disaster recovery funds for infrastructure improvement projects with $9,054,344 going to Grand Lake High School for an addition to the Career and Technology Center, installation of two new emergency generators, renovations to the gym and cafeteria, construction of a pre-K playground, the addition of a new track facility and enhancements to the softball field.
In addition to his regular employment at Intel's Open Source Technology Center, Anvin is currently co-maintainer of the unified x86/x86-64 Linux kernel tree, chief maintainer of the Netwide Assembler (NASM).
The group of anti-war activists were charged with the September 1980 destruction of nose cones designed for nuclear warheads at the Re-Entry Division of the General Electric Space Technology Center in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania.
The International Science and Technology Center participates in the WorldWideScience global science gateway.
The AOC has also created a centralized datacenter for the court system, the California Court Technology Center, which is operated under contract by Siemens IT Solutions and Services in Newark.
In 1989 he stepped down as Chairman to assume the Directorship of a newly awarded NSF Science and Technology Center for Molecular Biotechnology.
The development is designated an Indiana Certified Technology Park and includes two Purdue University related facilities: Purdue University Calumet's Academic Learning Center and a business incubator/technology center operated by the Purdue Research Foundation.
In January, 2006, NITLE reorganized under Ithaka, bringing together and merging with three other Mellon-funded instructional technology initiatives: the Center for Educational Technology at Middlebury College, the Associated Colleges of the South Technology Center, and the Midwest Instructional Technology Center (associated with the Great Lakes Colleges Association and the Associated Colleges of the Midwest).
In addition to the global Beehives in Ethiopia, Nigeria, Turkey, Cameroon, Rwanda, Kenya, Jordan, South Africa, Israel, and Mexico, One Global Economy also operates a computer center in Durban, South Africa and recently partnered with e-Mexico to open a community technology center in Mexico City.
The UAV Technology Center (Wu-Ren-Ji Ji-Shu Zhong-Xin, 无人机技术中心) of the People's Liberation Army Air Defense Academy (PLAADA) of People's Liberation Army General Staff Department (PLAGSD) has developed several UAVs/drones for the People's Liberation Army (PLA), mostly for training of the air defense crew.
Participating agencies include many state fire suppression organizations such as CAL FIRE, and federal entities such as the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Bureau of Land Management, Department of the Interior, United States Fish and Wildlife Service, National Park Service, National Information Technology Center, and the United States Forest Service.
In Religious Technology Center v. Gerbode, 1994 WL 228607 (C.D. Cal. 1994) (against Frank A. Gerbode, inventor of Traumatic Incident Reduction), a Rule 11 sanction of $8,887.50 was imposed against Helena Kobrin, an attorney for the Church, for bringing baseless and frivolous claims.