The squadron was reinstated as a UAV squadron in January 1986 in Potchefstroom to provide artillery reconnaissance and fire control for the South African Artillery Corps.
The unit was tasked in 2002 to build and complete flight trials of spares for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Searcher and the indigenously developed UAV Nishant.
In the field of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles major projects were initiated namely the Missile Target ULKA, Mini Remotely Piloted Vehicle Kapothaka, Reusable target system Lakshya, Reconnaissance and Surveillance UAV Nishant, Laser guided kits for bombs, cruise vehicles, micro air vehicles, long endurance UAVs Rustom1 and Rustom-H and more recently studies related to unmanned combat aerial vehicles have been initiated.
The Diamond DA42 Centaur OPA with the military Immmatrikulation R-711 can be flown as a manned aircraft or as unmanned UAV.
A1 UAV is an unmanned helicopter of conventional layout, and along with its larger cousin A2, it has been deployed for aerial cinematography mission by China Central Television and Survivor: China of CBS.
A1 UAV is an unmanned helicopter of conventional layout, and along with its smaller cousin A1, it has been deployed for aerial cinematography mission by China Central Television and Survivor: China of CBS.
LIEOE has traditionally being a design house for missiles, such as PL-9, and it has recently ventured into UAV arena.
Sky Eye gun-launched UAV is offered as a cheaper alternative to much more expensive missiles with search-and-destroy capability, such as Northrop Grumman Brilliant Anti-Tank missile (BAT) because Sky Eye can loiter longer on the battlefield, unlike BAT, which is only good for a short span of flying time, and can only be used once.
Short-tailed Falcon (Duan-wei-sun or Duanweisun, 短尾隼) is a Chinese experimental VTOL UAV that has very similar layout like that of Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey, and it is also known as Bateleur.
DF UAV somewhat resemble a Boeing Insitu ScanEagle, but with much smoother blending of fuselage and wing.
French UAV manufacturer CAC Systèmes created a drone version named the Héliot for use in reconnaissance and as an aerial target, but the aircraft did not enter production.
CEDEP-1 is an experimental unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) developed by the Project Development Center (CEDEP) of the Peruvian Air Force.
Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC), the developer of Sky Arrow UAV employed missile is one of the four partners who jointly developed the Blue Eagle AD200W UCAV system, and AVIC was responsible for the primary weaponry system.
M927 Truck (5-Ton Extended-Body 6x6 Military UAV Launch Truck)
The Scorpion will be offered for a US Army short-range UAV requirement, and is being proposed by Matra of France for use on French navy frigates and patrol boats.
Externally, San Eagle Simulator looks almost exactly like Boeing Insitu ScanEagle, and just like its name implies, Scan Eagle Simulator perform similar missions the US UAV does.
The COT airframe is Kyosho 260 remotely piloted helicopter, with FYAT developed autonomous FCS incorporated, so instead of requiring a ground control crew constantly at the control station, the UAV can also fly without ground control operator when desired, thus taking people out of the loop completely.
Currently living in the KwaZulu Natal Midlands and working on projects involving Unmanned Aerial vehicles UAV
Anderson was inspired by a weekend of fun and adventure when his love for R/C planes and his son's love for Lego came together and they built and programmed a UAV driven by the Lego Mindstorms NXT.
The General Atomics GNAT is a reconnaissance UAV developed in the United States in the late 1980s and manufactured by General Atomics Aeronautical Systems Inc. (GA-ASI).
A Medium-Altitude Long-Endurance (MALE) UAV, the Gray Eagle has an increased wingspan and is powered by a Thielert Centurion 1.7 Heavy Fuel Engine (HFE).
The UAV entered Israeli airspace at more than 100 knots and an altitude of about 1,000 feet, flew briefly over the seaside city of Nahariya, and fell into the sea.
Kingfisher (Cui-Niao or Cuiniao, 翠鸟) UAV developed by Hanhe Aviation is a gasoline-powered unmanned helicopter in conventional helicopter layout with a pair of skids as landing gear, and it is specifically developed for aerial surveillance missions.
However, in the summer of 2003 a UAV "airshow" of sorts was conducted, in which a Firebee was displayed carrying two Hellfire anti-armor missiles, as well as a pod for dispensing remote battlefield sensors; apparently Northrop Grumman was running the idea up a flagpole to see if anyone would salute.
Israel has customized the Elbit Hermes 450 UAV to carry two Hellfire missiles and this UCAV has been fully operational for several years.
What’s unique about the quadcopter developed by Officer Mergen Bater is that all subsystems are purchased online, so in comparison to the average Renminbi 200,000 unit price of brand name hexacopters marketed by other established UAV manufacturers, the quadcopter developed by Officer Mergen Bater only cost a tiny one percent, around Renminbi 2,000, while being able to perform most of the same missions assigned.
HK-Drone is a VTOL UAV that shapes like the UCAV in Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines, and the name of the Linkall UAV is also directly borrowed from that of UCAV in the movie.
On the basis of the few publicly available photographs of the RQ-170, aviation expert Bill Sweetman has assessed that the UAV is equipped with an electro-optical/infrared sensor and possibly an Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radar mounted in its belly fairing.
Until 2008 the unit was an independent flight No. 11 "UAV" Flight, but was expanded in 2007 to an operational squadron and split in 2008 to from No. 111 Air Surveillance Squadron and No. 112 Air Surveillance Squadron.
Till 2008 the unit was an independent flight No. 11 "UAV" Flight, but was upgraded in 2007 to an operational squadron and split in 2008 to from the No. 111 Air Surveillance Squadron and the No. 112 Air Surveillance Squadron.
Type B UAV (B Xing Wu-Ren-Ji, B型无人机) is a Chinese UAV developed by People's Liberation Army General Armaments Department (PLAGAD).
The UAV Technology Center (Wu-Ren-Ji Ji-Shu Zhong-Xin, 无人机技术中心) of the People's Liberation Army Air Defense Academy (PLAADA) of People's Liberation Army General Staff Department (PLAGSD) has developed several UAVs/drones for the People's Liberation Army (PLA), mostly for training of the air defense crew.
MJU-1 is an UAV developed by PLAADC, and its existence of MJU-1 was revealed when the provider of its altitude sensor (which is shared by FK-B125 and FK-Z80), Zhengzhou University of Light Industry were identified along with the sensor itself as one of the scientific achievement of Henan province in 2009.
This is the first Operational UAV Squadron under the Western Naval Command.
The Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Squadron INAS 343 at the Naval Air Enclave, Porbander was commissioned in January 2011.
507E electrically powered UAV is a fixed wing that resembles a scaled down version of Northrop X-4 Bantam without the inlets because instead of jet engines used on X-4, 507E is powered by a propeller driven pusher engine mounted at the empennage.
Saab also plays a role in the creation of UAVs such as the stealth UAV Filur and stealth UCAV Dassault nEUROn.
Air support is provided by Independent Air Group using Mi-17 and Mi-24 helicopters as well as UAVs.
Watchkeeper WK450 is an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) for all weather, Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance (ISTAR) use by the British Army, provided under an £800 million contract awarded in July 2005 to Thales UK.
In 2010 the UAV Challenge was organised by ARCAA (QUT and CSIRO), Queensland Government and Aviation Development Australia Limited.
In 2008 the UAV Challenge was organised by the Australian Research Centre for Aerospace Automation (a five-year long partnership between CSIRO and Queensland University of Technology), the Queensland State Government, and Boeing Defence Australia.
In 2009 the UAV Challenge was organised by the Australian Research Centre for Aerospace Automation (a five-year long partnership between CSIRO and Queensland University of Technology), the Queensland State Government, and Boeing Defence Australia.
In 2007 the UAV Challenge was organised by the Australian Research Centre for Aerospace Automation (a five-year long partnership between CSIRO and Queensland University of Technology), the Queensland State Government, and Boeing Defence Australia.
UAV Sci-Tech has developed an electrically powered micro air vehicle (MAV) that resembles a miniature version of Northrop X-4 Bantam without the inlets because Swift III is powered by a two-blade propeller driven by a pusher engine mounted at the end of the empennage.
Cygnet is a British cargo and logistics UAV system designed to provide lift and reconnaissance capability for military, humanitarian aid cargo capability, and to provide specialist payload transport.
There are actually two versions of this UCAV, and both look similar to Boeing Insitu ScanEagle due to the identical layout the three UAV share.