
4 unusual facts about Ted DeVita

Bubble Boy

Ted DeVita (1962–1980), a victim of severe aplastic anaemia who was forced to live in a sterile hospital room

Ted DeVita

In the film, John Travolta played "Tod," a teenaged boy who lived in a sterile bubble due to illness.

His story, along with that of Texas patient David Vetter, was used to create the 1976 made-for-TV movie The Boy in the Plastic Bubble.

While scientists and physicians tried all known treatments for his condition, Ted was isolated in Building 10, in a "laminar airflow room." This specialized room on "13-East" had been created in 1969 to protect leukemia patients whose immune systems had been compromised by chemotherapy.

Environmental suit

The concept of an environmental suit protecting someone from contamination is a feature of the boy in the bubble trope: both David Vetter and Ted DeVita at some point used such suits.

see also