
unusual facts about Telematic



The Mechatronics Institute (IMTRONICS) is responsible for the promotion of research and services for innovative applications in areas of Micromechanics, Materials, Nanomaterials, Nanostructures, Information and Telematic Systems, Robotics and control Systems, Embedded Systems and Sensors and Biomechatronics.

Justo Gonzalo

In 2010, coinciding with his birth's centennial, the Red Temática en Tecnologías de Computación Artificial/Natural (telematic network on artificial/natural computation technologies), together with the University of Santiago de Compostela, carried out a facsimile edition of the volumes respectively edited in 1945 and 1950, plus several annexes, where the contents of Annexe II had never been published before, under the title Dinámica Cerebral.

Short Message Service

The material elaborated in GSM and its WP1 subgroup was handed over in Spring 1987 to a new GSM body called IDEG (the Implementation of Data and Telematic Services Experts Group), which had its kickoff in May 1987 under the chairmanship of Friedhelm Hillebrand (German Telecom).

see also