This number reflects the old telephone exchange name prefix system: DI is the first two letters of "Diamond," representing the numerals 3 and 4 respectively.
Vestiges of the former name remain in the name of Roscoe Elementary School and the telephone exchange 76x-xxxx (ROscoex-xxx).
New York Stock Exchange | Advisory Committee on Antarctic Names | UK Antarctic Place-Names Committee | London Stock Exchange | German Academic Exchange Service | Microsoft Exchange Server | telephone | American Stock Exchange | U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission | Foreign exchange market | Oregon Geographic Names | Married and maiden names | Toronto Stock Exchange | Telephone tapping | Royal Exchange | Plain old telephone service | Australian Securities Exchange | married and maiden names | Nippon Telegraph and Telephone | British Rail brand names | American Legislative Exchange Council | Tokyo Stock Exchange | Microsoft Exchange | London Metal Exchange | List of Latinised names | Singapore Exchange | Royal Exchange, Manchester | Royal Exchange, London | Names of Japan | Luxembourg Stock Exchange |
Adams and Swett was famous – or notorious – in the mid Twentieth Century for its long-running radio commercials ("How many cookies did Andrew eat? ANdrew 8-8000") voiced by Judy Valentine.