Area code 600 is a rarely-used non-geographic Canadian area code, reserved for specialized telecommunications uses such as Teletype, caller-pays cellular, ISDN and mobile satellite communication services.
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation | Australian Broadcasting Corporation | Oracle Corporation | International Finance Corporation | Chevron Corporation | Digital Equipment Corporation | News Corporation | Lockheed Corporation | corporation | Hearst Corporation | Scholastic Corporation | Northrop Corporation | Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation | Gibson Guitar Corporation | CBS Corporation | Fender Musical Instruments Corporation | ITT Corporation | Sharp Corporation | RAND Corporation | NCR Corporation | Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation | Sperry Corporation | Singer Corporation | Case Corporation | Science Applications International Corporation | Polaroid Corporation | Multinational corporation | Burroughs Corporation | Bendix Corporation | Olympus Corporation |
STOIC came with its own primitive but effective file system, and could be booted up with little preliminary work on any 8080-based microprocessor with 24K of memory and a Teletype machine.
In December 1928, the company name was changed to Teletype Corporation, and in 1930 Teletype Corporation was sold to the American Telephone and Telegraph Company for $30 million.