On December 1, 1600, Governor Tello appointed Morga captain general of the fleet, with orders to attack the Dutch.
He bequeathed his extensive landed and movable wealth, which was concentrated in the lower Surselva between Flims and Trun, to Disentis Abbey, with which he had had close ties.
His will is one of the earliest surviving records from Graubünden and is an important source for the history of Rhaetia in the eighth century.
The Victorid bishop was Tello (758–763) began the construction of the cathedral, which has an unusual crypt and was renovated in the Romanesque style.
Tello | Julio C. Tello |
The other eight activists, Riad al-Turk, Aref Dalila, Walid al-Bunni, Kamal al-Labwani, Habib Salih, Hasan Sa`dun, Habib `Isa, and Fawwaz Tello were referred to the Supreme State Security Court which issued prison sentences between two to 10 years.
Tello was promoted to La Serena's first team in the 2010 season, debuting on 9 May of that year against Palestino in a 3–0 away defeat at La Cisterna's Municipal Stadium.
British author and adventurer Rosita Forbes described him as the hero of the region was a wild and gallant freebooter called Ibrahim Agha Huske Tello.
Tello was born a "mountain Indian" in an Andean village in Huarochirí Province, Peru; his family spoke Quechua, the most widely spoken indigenous language in the nation.
While working for Post-Newsweek station WPLG-TV, Tello, with lawyer Talbot " Sandy D'Alemberte ( former American Bar President and Florida State University President ) was successful in the precedent setting movement to place cameras in the courtrooms in the State of Florida.
Tello was in charge of repopulating the valley of the Guadiana, in the region extending from the Tablas de Daimiel wetlands to the estuary of the Jabalón River as part of an agreement with the Order of Calatrava pursuant to which Tello was entrusted with the task of bringing cattle and Moorish slaves to the region of Calatrava la Vieja.
The two astronomers, Ciriaco Zevallos and José Espinosa y Tello, are immortalized in the places names for the Vancouver Island town of Zeballos and the nearby Espinoza Inlet.