
unusual facts about Temur


After a short invasion by Temur, Turhal was taken over once more by the Ottomans in 1413.

5th convocation of the People's Assembly of Abkhazia

On 25 May 2012, only two months after the election, Temur Logua, Deputy for constituency no. 26 in Chlou, was found dead in his apartment in Moscow.

Georgia in the Eurovision Song Contest 2013

On 16 February, GBP revealed that the music video for "Waterfall" was being filmed at Chavchavadze House-Museum in Tsinandali and in Tbilisi, directed by Temur Kvirkvelia.

Georgian Jews

One notable Georgian Jew is the Tamir Sapir, born Temur Sepiashvili, an immigrant taxi driver turned chemical trader turned real estate investor from New York.


He attempted to end the threat of Togha Temur, who had in the meantime made his camp in the Amul region and was preventing the Sarbadars from staying in contact with the Chobanids.

Togha Temür

Of the many individuals who attempted to become Ilkhan after the death of Abu Sa'id, Togha Temür was the only one who hailed from eastern Iran, and was the last major candidate who was of the house of Genghis Khan.

Toghon Temür

When Köke Temür lost battles against Ming General Xu Da and the Ming troops approached Hebei, Toghon Temür gave up Khanbalik and fled to the summer base Xanadu.

Wajih ad-Din Mas'ud

Jajarm, Damghan, Simnan, and Gurgan were then occupied, and Togha Temur and his personal following fled to Mazandaran.

see also