
unusual facts about Teos

Hecataeus of Abdera

Diogenes Laertius (ix.61) relates that he was a student of Pyrrho, along with Eurylochus, Timon the Phliasian, Nausiphanes of Teos and others, and includes him among the "Pyrrhoneans".

Henry Hanlon

He was ordained Priest on the 21 September 1889 for the Mill Hill Missionaries and travelled to Northern India, where he served until 1894 when he was recalled to Rome to be appointed the first Vicar Apostolic of Upper Nile District of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Tororo, being consecrated 17 July 1894 and taking the title of Titular Archbishop of Teos.

Hermogenes of Priene

Hermogenes was the architect of the hexastyle peripteral Temple of Dionysus in Teos, also mentioned by Vitruvius.

Planets: The Exploration of Space

For example, one of the many was that at one point in time, Seth Robinson had a crush on Jennie Garth from Beverly Hills, 90210 and this showed up in Planets: TEOS, as at least one default NPC ship captain's name was Jennie.

Thermal oxidation

Thermal oxidation of any variety produces a higher-quality oxide, with a much cleaner interface, than chemical vapor deposition of oxide resulting in Low Temperature Oxide layer (reaction of TEOS at about 600 °C).

see also