Wythens oversaw the prosecution of the Rye House Plotters and the conviction of Titus Oates for perjury before travelling to the West Counties following the Monmouth Rebellion.
He also reports that Ters, a deity who seems to have been an equivalent of Priapus, was invoked by Antwerpian women when they were taken by surprise or sudden fear, and that there was a house in Antwerp adjoining the prison (see Het Steen) that bore a statue which had been furnished with a large worn away phallus.
As I approached the unfortunate, but merry, crowd, to the last day of my life I shall ever remember the impression... baronets and bankers, authors and merchants, painters and poets... dandies of no rank in rap and tat-ters... all mingled in indiscriminate merriment, with a spiked wall, twenty feet high, above their heads..."?title=Benjamin Haydon">Benjamin Haydon.
Among Camden's other works are a Greek grammar, which remained a standard school textbook for many years; Remaines of a Greater Worke, Concerning Britaine (1605), a more popular English-language companion to Britannia, comprising a collection of themed historical essays; the official account of the trial of the Gunpowder Plotters; and a catalogue of the epitaphs at Westminster Abbey.