
3 unusual facts about Tetela del Volcán

María Estrada

Cortés certainly gave María and her husband an extensive encomienda in this area, based at Tetela del Volcán, with subsidiary units at Nepopozalco and at Hueyapan itself, while Sanchéz Farfán also gained additional estates further to the west.

c. 1475 and 1495 are based on the identification of María de Estrada as one of a pair of Spanish castaways rescued on Cuba, who were said to be 40 and 18 or 20 in 1513, Campuzano (1997), p. 47; she is recorded as encomendera of Tetela del Volcán in 1537, but her second husband had remarried by 1548.

See also the historical summary ("Reseña Histórica") for the municipio of Tetela del Volcán, in INAFED (2005).

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