
unusual facts about Teti


Imhotep Museum

The Museum has five large halls in which one may admire masterpieces from Saqqara such as a Greco-Roman mummy discovered by Zahi Hawass during excavation at Teti's pyramid complex, and the magnificent pair of statues of High Priest of Mut Amenemhotep and his wife, from the 19th Dynasty, found near the causeway of the Unas complex.

Naguib Kanawati

He has directed numerous excavations and epigraphic expeditions, at sites including the entire mountain of El-Hawawish (in excess of 800 Old Kingdom and First Intermediate Period rock-cut tombs), Quseir El Amarna, El Hagarsa (near Sohag), Deir El Gebrawi, Giza, as well as the Unis and Teti pyramid cemeteries at Saqqara.

see also