
3 unusual facts about Tetsuya Nomura

High-definition remasters for PlayStation consoles

During an interview with Gameinformer, Kingdom Hearts creator Tetsuya Nomura expressed interest in "HD versions" and is "currently researching them" for his Kingdom Hearts series.

Zack Fair

Character designer Tetsuya Nomura got the request to design Zack when Final Fantasy VII was reaching the end of development.

He was designed by Tetsuya Nomura, and his name derived from "fair weather," to contrast with Cloud Strife's name.

see also

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII

After discussion with Tetsuya Nomura and Yoshinori Kitase, Tabata decided that the game should be another installment in the Compilation of Final Fantasy VII, feeling that the pressure of producing a game from a popular series would motivate both the staff and himself.