
unusual facts about The Adversary

The Adversary

Pratidwandi, known internationally as The Adversary, a 1972 Indian Bengali film directed by Satyajit Ray

see also

Aggressor squadron

The Canadian Forces Air Command operated CF-5 (both single- and two-seat) aircraft in the "adversary" role, by 419 Squadron at Canadian Forces Base Cold Lake, Alberta.

Condign merit

This early-scholastic distinction and terminology, which is already recognized in concept and substance by the Fathers of the Church in their controversies with the Pelagians and Semipelagians, were again emphasized by Johann Eck, the adversary of Martin Luther.

Emmanuel Carrère

L'Adversaire (The Adversary) (2000), nonfictional account of the life of the murderer Jean-Claude Romand, after the author corresponded with the criminal in jail (1993), and watched his trial (1996).


In white-box cryptography, obfuscation refers to the protection of cryptographic keys from extraction when they are under the control of the adversary, e.g., as part of a DRM scheme.