Replacing the role of Hideyoshi Toyotomi, who had died from saving Yoshiharu's life, Yoshiharu swears to fulfill the dead man's dream of becoming a feudal lord and becoming popular with the ladies by using his knowledge from the videogame, Nobunaga's Ambition to foresee future events and help Nobuna in her quest to unite and conquer Japan.
Yoshiharu, however, is surprised to discover that the people he meets, the places he encounters, and the historical events he is dragged into are somewhat different than what he remembers from his favorite Sengoku era video game - Nobunaga's Ambition.
Oda Nobunaga | Oda clan | Oda Hidetaka | Nobunaga's Ambition | Eiichiro Oda | Oda Nobuyuki | Oda Nobukane | Bev Oda | Oda | Oda Nobukatsu | Oda Nobuhide | Mikio Oda | Makoto Oda | Blond Ambition World Tour | Ben Oda |